Welcome to Let's Build!
A blog dedicated to software development, cloud infrastructure, product design, and everything in between. See my latest posts below.
Latest posts
June 21, 2024
How I clean up commits by squashing and creating new logical commits before opening for code review.
February 23, 2024
Where we look at common React anti-patterns such as unnecessary use of useEffect, unnecessary state, premature memoisation, and large inline functions.
July 21, 2023
Distributing your test suite over concurrent jobs in GitHub Actions isn't as straightforward as it first seems.
July 20, 2023
Waterfall and manual gates bad, agile good, as the industry wisdom goes. But is that always the case and are we glossing over some nuance?
May 18, 2023
Explore a useful mnemonic for remembering the essential information to log in code for supporting debugging, without overcomplicating it.
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